Music Review//Voluntary Butler Scheme::Brain Freeze
It's multiple banana art work, like some demented tribute to Andy Warhol's famous artwork for the Velvets is a treat, but the contents of this mans work is far from the dark paeans to life of that particular band. Main track Brain Freeze extols the virtues of parking on double yellow lines for the fun it over a horn imbued backdrop. The aforementioned line of "If I had the money I'd park on double yellow lines" is one that makes you smile and if you've ever thought that life is at times boring unless there is some mindless fun then you'll get this song immediately!
It's companion track is Smoke Alarms, a similarly funky tribute to living life day by day and setting off fire alarms with your heart. It's a fun image for sure, and we'd be inclined to agree that a champagne shower every hour of the day is what we all need sometimes! It's a fun two header of a single then that you'd have to be heartless not to appreciate so warm up your souls and check it out.
Reviewed by Sebastian Gahan.