Announcement: Coffee Commandments Exhibition at Liverpool's Unit 51.

"Coffee and creativity go hand in hand" is the motto by which Coffee Commandments Inc live their life. 

With an ever developing collection of stunning fine art images to their names, they will soon be showing work at the very fine venue of Unit 51, an excellent cafe in an immaculately converted former factory building in Liverpool's up and coming creative quarter the Baltic Triangle. 

This follows a group show as part of the Coffee Art Project at London's Old Truman Brewery which saw the work shown in the capital for the first time. The duo's work celebrates cafe culture with a series of coffee culture themed art works they jointly refer to as Coffee Commandments. The series melds the classical forms of pencil and ink strokes and the modern art of digital manipulation to produce fine art images that are truly unique. 

The idea for the series began over a semi-serious conversation about the Ten Commandments of coffee in a small cafe on the back streets of Liverpool and soon the art was flowing, producing more than the traditional Ten Commandments could handle. 

The initial set of  Coffee Commandments first appeared as part of Seba Rashii Culture Zine's Coffee Culture week in 2012 to much acclaim and soon had their own following on social media among artists and art lovers alike. Future plans for the duo include further exhibitions, a state of the art website and at least two coffees a day.

You can see Coffee Commandments Fine Art at Unit 51 from May 6th for one week. Look out for more announcements closer to the time!

For more information on Coffee Commandments please e-mail  or see the Coffee Commandments Facebook page. 

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