TV Focus//The Fall - Episode 2

Caution! May contain spoilers!

“It was a mistake. I thought I was good at reading people. I was wrong…”

Starring: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan.

The opening montage of the killer preparing and posing the corpse of his second on-screen victim by bathing, painting her nails and posing her on the bed he strangled her somewhat brutally on last episode mixed with Stella welcoming a visitor to her Hilton suite and enjoying some impromptu sex with a good view sets a distinctly emotionally cold for this episode as the action proper begins.

The introductions of last week are pushed aside with the focus now on the police procedurals. But unlike many dramas that have this in the standardized mode of office interviews and solicitors intervening its confined to a small part of the action. The various strands of plot are bought together as the reporter whom Stella (Gillian Anderson) rather memorably told to “fuck off” last episode after he door stepped her in the hotel she’s so often seen looking pensive in, runs a story anyway about the "meeting" and the killer (Jamie Dornan) reveals his death fetishes in all their somewhat lurid sickness. Despite all this though, the emotional connections you find yourself making with these genuinely flawed personalities make the creepy scenes all the more fascinating... 

The opening scenes where he poses the body is particularly notable, juxtaposed as it is with the one night stand Stella has with the soon to be shot down detective she invites to her room the first episode, for its deliberated cold heart and lighting. The sparse incidental music throughout adds considerably to the tension and claustrophobia, making the very occasional shocking moments that much more dramatic.  

The action moves along considerably too with the possibility of the teenage babysitter  Katie whom has annoyed the killer by stealing the lock of hair from his previous victim looking precariously on the edge of being victim number three as the episode ends. And with his daughter having seen him pinning down Katie through the traditional crack in the door it looks like the secret killer will be having some difficulties separating the seemingly ideal family life he hides in the comfort of from the sexually tortured man of the darkness we’ve seen in tonight’s episode…

Best line: “Should I take your number?” Stella’s one night stand as he leaves the hotel room. Will she come to regret giving him that number? We think so!

The new Killing?: Darkness? Check! Murder? Check? Icy female lead? Check! Definitely getting warmer…

Reviewed by Sebastian Gahan

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