TV Focus//The Returned Series 1, Episode 5: Serge et Toni
Contains spoilers from the start
story this week: Camille is rejected by Frédéric,
Simon is rejected by Adéle and Chloé, Julie believes she may be dead, and
Victor comes face-to-face with Pierre. Meanwhile, Léna is nursed by serial
killer Serge.
Last week saw the
return (‘scuse me) of The Walking Dead on Channel 5. A far more
traditional zombie-type drama than The Returned, it only served to
emphasise the fact that The Returned is a different beast altogether.
While The Walking Dead is without doubt great telly, The Returned
is more intriguing, more beautifully realised and it paints a more truly
horrifying picture of the dead returning. It’s also classier than practically
any programme of its genre I can think of.
With only three more
hours of series 1 to go, the intrigue still abounds and nothing is quite what
it first seems. Take serial killer Serge. Last seen hovering menacingly over a
broken Léna in the dreaded underpass; we now see him struggling with his urges
as he nurses her in his creepy cabin in the woods.
In yet another
stunning pre-credits sequence we learn that as Serge attacked Julie in the
underpass seven years earlier he was clubbed violently about the head by
brother Toni, and man, this pair really like bashing each other about the head.
Serge was then buried alive by Toni in order to put an end to his dreadful,
knife-wielding, organ-munching activities. It’s a testament to this show that
this brief flash of blood and gore does more to shock than any traditional
zombie-style disembowelling could do.
Léna’s now younger, returned twin
Camille shows no sign of concern for her sick, missing sister as she continues
her all-out persual of Frédéric. Barely recognisable from the lost girl of
episode 1, Camille is a sexed-up teen seemingly unaffected by a game of shots in
the town’s bar as she does whatever it takes to get her man. How Frédéric has
not realised that “cousin Alice” is in fact Camille is one of this series’
enduring mysteries and it’s only when dad Jérome hauls Camille back home that
the Euro finally drops for our unlikely Gallic sex god schoolboy.
Simon-Adéle-Thomas triangle is dealt with in a dramatic fashion this week as
Simon calls on Adéle to bring their daughter Chloé and leave town with him for
a fresh start. It’s with genuine bewilderment that Simon finds himself alone at
the bus station for his planned escape with his family as Adéle chooses her new
life with fiancé Thomas, who in turn shoots Simon. But can you kill someone
who’s already dead? The answer’s a clear
“Mais non!” in this show.
One of the highlights
of this episode is the returned dead meeting each other. Simon and Camille,
Madame Costa and Victor, and possibly Madame Costa and Julie. It’s fascinating
to see these meetings and the manner in which each of them faces the fact of
their return from the dead. Only Victor seems to have any memory of his own
Which leads us to the
World’s Weirdest Psychiatrist ™ Pierre, who is confronted by a menacing and
mind-bending Victor with his part in the murder of Victor and his family. Saved
in the nick of time by the arrival of Julie and cop Laure, you don’t hold out
much hope for Pierre over the next three weeks.
I should make special
note of the wonderful cinematography this week as we see the lost town beneath
the lake and we learn about the dead floating animals from the opening titles
sequence. What can these things mean to the people of the town, the ones who
are dead and those who are alive? Or are they?
With only three
episodes to go, next weeks – Lucy – sees the town hit by a power cut and
Camille viewed as a prophet. Léna grows closer to Serge, but has to get back to
the town. And Victor’s body starts to change. Let’s hope the extraordinary high
standard of writing takes us all the way through to the end of the final
Question(s) of the
Week 1: The Lake Pub is the only bar in town, so why does
everyone insist on calling it “The Lake Pub” and not just “the pub”?
Question(s) of the
Week 2: What’s happening down at the reservoir? Did a
bunch of animals really committ mass suicide? If so, why ? What could be so
Question(s) of the
Week 3: What is the link to the lost town under the lake?
Is there a link to the mysterious “what happened last time” of the dam operator
guys’ previous conversation?
Question(s) of the
Week 4: When will Toni realise that it’s not his returned maman
in Serge’s bed? When he learns the truth, will there be more shovel action at
Serge’s head?
Who are “they”?:
When Pierre tells Simon “I doubt they’ll let you leave” who is he talking
about? The police or a more sinister “them”?
Quote of the Week:
Camille to Simon, “Us zombies have to stick together”
What work? WHAT
WORK?: Madame Costa talks to Julie about Victor, “He’ll
come and see you once his work is done”
Who’s that girl?:
Is Madame Costa a benign presence or a less-than-pleasant member of the undead?
Did you spot?:
The picture of Kurt Cobain on the wall behind Simon
Reviewed by Andrea