Quick Questions//Cassette Store Day 2013

We asked the originators of the upcoming Cassette Store Day a few questions…

What is Cassette Store Day all about?
It’s a day about celebrating a format that a surprising number of people still have a passion for.

The cassette is an iconic design – yet its use has declined until recently. Why do you think the cassette is still so recognisable?
I think it’s a format that we’ve grown up with, and even as use has declined, that image and what it represents, still holds strong.

What inspired the initial idea of Cassette Store Day?
Record Store Day. We (the founders) all run cassette labels and thought we should have a day to celebrate our chosen format. Even though RSD should be more about the stores, a lot of the focus is now vinyl and we wanted a day for tapes.

The cassette is fondly thought of by many – what are the advantages of the cassette do you think?
They are cheap to produce so you can be braver as a label. You can put your own spin on the artwork and get really creative. And they’re super durable.
The idea of the perfect mixtape is still one that is popular – continuing into the digital realm. What would be on your perfect mixtape?
It would start with Brand New – Mixtape.

Which of the releases celebrating the day do you think encapsulates the idea best?
I think they all do in their own way! There’s the DIY vibrance of Fucked Up, the romance of Los Campesinos, and the exclusiveness of the Fair Ohs release.

There are a number of cassette based micro-labels in existence. Can the cassette compete with the mp3 or even the CD in the label format and come out victorious?
It’s not about competing, that’s not the point of this day. It’s just about adding a little more validity to our labels and perhaps pushing them back into mainstream consciousness a little.

What is the message you want those taking part in Cassette Store Day to take away with them?
Cassettes are fun, exciting to release, and still occupy a place in people’s hearts.

Interview by Sebastian Gahan. Cassette Store Day is September 7th 2013. 

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