#srcz Comment// Avril Lavigne – Hello Kitty
When Avril Lavigne
released her first album way back in the early noughties, with the eponymous Sk8r
Boi driving many people mad everywhere we knew she would last. With a passable
but occasionally patchy debut album she caught our attention for a brief while.
But it wasn’t until this jaw-droppingly odd video for the Japan-centric fan base
came out she regained it. Many are calling it the worst thing ever made but we’re
pretty sure there is much worse out there! That said though, there still is
little to Hello Kitty beyond sheer shock value and kawaii cute demographic steeliness.
It’s a mystery how she
keeps a (semi, at least) straight face at all throughout the video and indeed, as to why so many
people have managed to watch it all the way through considering how much has
been said about it. Truth is though, if you know Japanese main stream pop music
then this is nothing new. There are videos more toe curling than this released
every week in world of J-Pop, and played with even more seriousness on
Witness the rise of the
often surprisingly listenable Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (all thanks to some very good
production and visuals more often than not) or any number of artists and Hello
Kitty is actually pretty harmless. The c0-write between Lavigne and Chad
Kroeger was dubbed an unholy union by
one website but to get this many people talking about a song that is as light
and fluffy as anything and more than likely to get huge chart dividends it’s
sign that cross over between genres is always possible.
The video itself is also
pretty harmless. The accusations of racism that have been echoed are largely
not there and if you’ve ever walked down Harajuku or near by the hub Tower
Records in Shibuya (seen in the background in the opening minute) you’ll have
seen plenty more outlandish stuff than this. Certainly, every time I go to
Tokyo it’s not unusual to see and hear more ear-bleed worthy music in every
convenience store or chain record store so let’s let Hello Kitty pass us by in
that dance troop like way the video does. Next please!
a side note, don’t let that put you off discovering some of the unique and
amazing music that Japan does so well on all levels from the open mic to the
commercial. It will change your life…)
(Sebastian Gahan.)