Different Sounds // Blue Tapes 15 – Father Murphy : ‘Calvary’
As you’ll know by now we
do like cassettes and cassettes are what miniature label Blue Tapes do well. With
every release as intriguing as the next, what have they come up with for
January? Well, something rather timely. Italian trio Father Murphy have created
an eerily fascinating Tone Poem called Calvary that is based around the concept
of constructing a cross from wood.
With percussion recorded
in Czechoslovakia, banging and metal constructs recorded in a children’s park
in Stockholm and other sounds recorded in various locations in America this is
truly downward looking project in sonic terms. Put into the live setting we can
imagine this may be quite spectacular, it’s point certainly going to hammer
home easily.
There is a distinctly dark
feeling at work here, almost like venturing down a never ending spiral
staircase into an ever darker underground realm. Taking into account their
previous release’s requirement to listen to at least two sides of the vinyl simultaneously
this is probably the exact intention! But all taken into account, there’s a
very deliberate process here.