TV Review / Doctor Who: Series 9, Episode 9: ‘Sleep No More’
Spoilers Ahead!
Written by Mark Gatiss
Starring Peter Capaldi, Jenna
Coleman, Reece Shearsmith
"You must not watch this...”
And cue the titles… ah, not
this time! You know how we anticipate those descending notes into the vortex after
the pre-credits sequence? Not this week, taking a leaf out of the Blair Witch
Project’s book, Sleep No More is a found footage episode. Many shows have done
this before, (Remember when The X Files did COPS back in 1999?) but how will
Doctor Who work? This much anticipated episode from Mark Gatiss, (not always
known for great episodes, to be honest) actually really does work well.
Just about, that is. A second watch of this episode was required
to see if it really worked, and despite some rather eye openingly ridiculous science
(even for Doctor Who) it just about does its job. In fact, if you’ve ever seen writer Mark
Gatiss’ rather good documentary on the history of horror from a few years back,
you’ll spot the genre’s influences in every pore of this rather opinion
dividing episode. Certainly, in comparison with the run of excellence we’ve had
so far it’s a hard sell with its experimental nature and paper thin plot but
the key here is not in the plotting but in the execution.
A found footage episode is
certainly a new thing for Who but it was an experiment in a series that is currently
brimming to the top with overly dramatic experimentalist ideas. Did it come
over as gimmicky? A little, it has to be said, but not to the point of being an indulgence
of creativity. Sure, dropping the title sequence wasn’t as different an
experience as we might have hoped, (many a television show has done just that
before) but we’re pretty sure that Reece Shearsmith’s mad professor like character Rassmusen,
acting as narrator of sorts, didn’t have that particular footage to hand. In fact
it’s the pay off at the very end of the episode that makes the whole, seemingly
random journey all worth it.
If you thought that the mutated
sleep monsters, or Sandmen, were creepy then the disintegrating Sandman inhabited
professor at the end was even more effective in its simplicity. It was a
perfectly unexpected moment in the tradition of the best of the old Hammer
Horror movies. Even the conceit of our sleep (the type you find in the corner
of the eye in the morning after waking up) turning into carnivorous six foot sightless
monsters is straight from a pre Comics Code horror comic of the 1950’s. Indeed,
the use of the rather famous Mr Sandman by 50’s girl band The Chordettes in the
explanation of the Morpheus machines rather horrible purpose was reminiscent of
such a time.
All in all then, a curio of
an episode that may hold some significance later on and may not. Good or bad
depends entirely upon your love for the epic two-parters we’ve seen so far this
season. For this writer, a flawed four star pass for its sheer experimentation and effort to do something different.
Mark Gatiss: Has this writer
managed to deliver his long awaited good episode? Cautiously, yes!
Music: The Chordettes’ well-known
song Mr Sandman is used effectively here. The incidental music is also gone but
replaced with a soundtrack of creepy industrial noise that adds much to the
Sleep No More: An effective
quotation of Macbeth from The Doctor marks one key moment.
Next: Face The Raven
(Words: S.Gahan / Image ©