*ENTRIES NOW CLOSED* // June MixTape Submissions on #SRCZ Now Open!
MixTapes on #SRCZ are
back. Submissions are now open for June 2014.
The theme for the MixTape is ‘SunBeams’
and we’d like to hear your music!
Please submit a maximum of two songs to us by
MIDNIGHT on May 31st 2014. Entries must include the following:
One // Band or Artist Name
Two// Song title/s
Three// In no more than
100 words, why the songs match the theme. We may contact you for more info.
Four// Any social media
links that will help us understand your music better and/or you want us to see.
Five// Make sure to drop
us a like on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. We’ll endeavour to do the same
for you! (Search ‘Seba Rashii Culture Zine’ on Facebook or @srczine on Twitter)
Please send submissions to
the Editor at sebarashii@rocketmail.com!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
#SRCZ - Culture is everywhere...