Music Review//Björk - Biophilia Remix Series 8

The Biophilia Remix Series returns for a delayed final time. Coming ahead of the remix album Bastards - which also contains these tracks in edited form - it's an essential listen for those who've enjoyed the last seven releases. And yes, we know there will be criers of 'merciless repackaging!' from many but why have only seven when you can have eight? 

But the reason we're here is not to gripe about marketing policy but to listen to music. We've enjoyed the sonic adventures that have taken place over the course of the series  and were pleased to able to complete the collection began way back earlier this year. In many ways Biophilia is difficult listen - an excellent record but not for every occasion and with the Biophilia Remix Series a warmth was added to the listening experience that makes you appreciate the album more.

The eighth volume closes the series in an unexpected fashion, delivering not the beat fueled paeans to biological urbanity of the majority of the sets but a more serene but no less fascinating listen. A remix of Mutual Core from These New Puritans takes the vocals of the original but mixes with samples of an earthy folk song and piano bars to excellent effect. Different and all the more welcome for it!

Even a remix by The Slips of Moon adds no bpm to the already heady mix. Loops from the songs melody are arranged to form what could soundtrack a very good cycle ride through your nearest big city. With a sonic reference to the originals organic contents and kraut folk in it's arrangement it's a refreshing addition to the series and it's almost a pity that is the final volume - These remixes have been hugely enjoyable and largely excellent, reinventing Biophilia in landscapes that both collide with and complement the sonic landscape perfectly. 

Next we'll check out the Biophilia Remix Album Bastards!

Reviewed by Sebastian Gahan. 

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