SRCZ MixTape Series // Creative Watch Area MixTape Submissions for November 2015 Open!

We’ve decided to change the way we put together our regular MixTape features at #SRCZ. We’ve thrown away the rules and the limitations and we have only one request. Give us some cool music! The form remains the same but we’ve changed the name.

It’s the Creative Watch Area MixTape we’ll be looking for the most awesome music, spoken word recordings, demos, soundscapes and whatever else you may have to offer.

There are some stipulations though:

A maximum of two submissions per artist and, to help us keep everything in one place, no attachments of entries to e-mail will be accepted. Please submit them via the form as a SoundCloud link! 

That said, we want to hear your submissions and be inspired, impressed, struck with awe and generally noided. 

Team #SRCZ.

Deadline for submissions is Friday 3oth October at Midnight! 

"And remember, we're open to all genres, countries, languages and BPMs! "

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